Cindy Hartline — Radio and TV host
Cindy L. Hartline — Radio Host, Bible Researcher, Teacher, Author, Conference Host, Speaker and Ministry Founder, came to know the Lord in 1977 and has served in various Churches & Ministries since. Along with her husband Richard, the Hartline's founded Seed Of Hope Ministries in 1996, the auspices for their many ministries: Star Kids Christian Performing Arts School, Praz Jam Concerts, Praz Jam Live (Radio-WZZD Philadelphia/Salem), Teens On A Mission, SOH Bible & Arts Institute (through ICBT), CLA Network - Christian Leaders Association Network, the Discerning Ministries Group on Facebook, Love For The Truth Radio and currently Love For The Truth TV, which features The Prophesied Bride Of Christ Teaching Series
In 1994 Cindy penned the Curriculum "Walking In Victory", a 16 Step Biblical teaching and concept of "embracing the cross". The course guides the student through biblical studies step by step to understand what it means to take up ones cross and follow Jesus, therefore, Walking In Victory depicts its subtitle — "The Downward Spiral of Self-defeat to an Upward Climb to Spiritual Victory". Cindy is also the author of Teens On A Mission, a curriculum that encourages the teen to find his/her identity in Christ and pursue the mission that God has called him/her to do.
Richard Hartline — Radio & TV
Richard Hartline — Radio and TV Engineer for Love For The Truth. Cindy's husband, is a professional music arranger/producer of 40 years, 20 of which was spent in the Christian Music Industry. Richard is most known for producing DC Talks first album along with many other renown Christian artists. Rich left the music industry in 1996 to manage and produce music for a group that the Hartline's formed called Praz(praise) Jam, of which their daughter Lauren was a vocalist and speaker. The Hartline's managed and discipled the members of the group for nine years and that's when both would admit that they learned what "real discipleship" was all about. Members of the group were counseled from time to time, disciplined in the "ways" of the Lord and required to study the Bible through a home-study College Curriculum from ICBT, at which time, SOH Bible and Arts Institute was founded. Praz Jam was more than a music group, they brought a message with every concert performance and was highly held accountable through their "spiritual parents" the Hartlines along with other Elders.
Together, Richard and Cindy were led to a more in-depth study of apollogetics in the early part 2000, which has lead them to what they do now and why they cover specific topics on LOVE FOR THE TRUTH RADIO. The Hartlines are contenders of the faith... and have a love for Biblical Truth. Richard, known as "richsoundman" on YouTube, produced a personal sermon/video on: "Is It Biblical To Name Names of False Teachers and Expose them?", which to date has had over 100K viewers and positive responses worldwide. The video can be viewed on the "video page". Needless to say, Richard continues to produce sermons, music, spoken-word, and videos for the ministry. Richard is currently the engineer and producer of Love For The Truth TV.
The Hartlines are the owners of Horizon AVL (, an Audio/Visual family business of which both Son-in-laws are employed. Cindy and Richard have two beautiful daughter's Lauren and Kristen who married amazing godly men, Joshua and Gregory, who blessed them with four precious grandchildren: Zephaniah, Zarah, Jesse and Lucie. Cindy's Mother "Minnie Mom" lived with the Hartlines for 16 years and passed in July of 2015 at the age of 89. She will be missed... as Minnie Mom kept the whole family in line, bless her heart. Needless to say the Hartlines are happily married and the entire family resides near Philadelphia, PA.
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